Term Sense

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A Term Sense is a Word Sense for a Terminological Unit.



  • (Jönsson, 2004) ⇒ K. Ingemar Jönsson. (2004). “On the Disparate Terminological Use of the Concept Cryptobiosis.” In: Journal of Fish Diseases, 27(3). doi:10.1111/j.1365-2761.2004.00534.x
    • Conceptual and terminological consistency is an important component of science, promoting clarity and preventing confusion. Scientists should therefore always try to avoid giving different meanings to the same term. Apart from this general aspect, multiple definitions of a single term also give rise to practical problems, particularly in connection with literature search. In this note, I will bring attention to a term, cryptobiosis, that has relatively recently appeared in the field of fish disease research, but which has a much longer history and use in a completely different area.