Video Game Savepoint

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A Video Game Savepoint is a location in a video game where a player can save his progress.



  • (Wikipedia, 2017) ⇒ Retrieved:2017-8-11.
    • Some video games only allow the game to be saved at predetermined points in the game, called save points. Save points are employed either because the game is too complex to allow saving at any given point or to make gaming more engaging by forcing the player to rely on skills instead of on the ability to retry indefinitely. Save points are also far easier to program, so when a game developer has to rush a game, save points are attractive to build in, also testing the 'save anywhere' is far more difficult.


  • (Giant Bomb, 2016) ⇒ Retrieved 2017-8-11.
    • QUOTE: Save points are locations within a game world at which a player can decide to save his or her progress. Save points differ from checkpoints in that the player must actively choose to save and may do so at any time at any save point. In some games, such as the later games in the Castlevania series, saving fully restores health and mana and removes status ailments, allowing the player characters to always be in peak condition when play is resumed.

      Save points are often placed in areas considered "safe," where enemy encounters are few to nonexistent, allowing players a moment of reprieve before continuing. So long as the player remains standing within the save point or in the save point's room, the player will not be attacked. However, this is not always the case.