Clinical Trials Platform Database

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A Clinical Trials Platform Database is a business process database for a clinical trials platform.



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    • A clinical trials platform database is designed to store and manage data related to clinical trials. The tables in such a database often include information about patients, investigators, institutions, study protocols, outcomes, and more. Here are some typical database tables you might find in a clinical trials platform database:
      • Patients: This table contains information about patients who are participating in clinical trials, such as their unique patient ID, demographic information (e.g., age, gender, race, ethnicity), and medical history.
      • Investigators: This table includes information about clinical trial investigators, such as their unique investigator ID, name, contact information, and qualifications or expertise.
      • Institutions: This table contains information about the institutions where clinical trials are conducted, including their unique institution ID, name, address, and contact information.
      • Study Protocols: This table stores information about the clinical trial protocols, such as the unique protocol ID, study title, study objectives, study design, eligibility criteria, treatment arms, and endpoints.
      • Enrollments: This table tracks patient enrollment in clinical trials, with details such as the unique enrollment ID, patient ID, study protocol ID, institution ID, investigator ID, enrollment date, and any specific group assignment (e.g., treatment arm, control group).
      • Visits: This table records information about patient visits during the clinical trial, including the unique visit ID, patient ID, visit date, visit type (e.g., screening, treatment, follow-up), and any assessments or procedures performed.
      • Adverse Events: This table captures information about adverse events experienced by patients during the clinical trial, such as the unique adverse event ID, patient ID, event description, severity, relationship to the investigational product, and date of onset and resolution.
      • Concomitant Medications: This table includes information about medications that patients are taking concurrently with the investigational product, such as the unique medication ID, patient ID, medication name, dosage, frequency, and start and end dates.
      • Outcomes: This table stores data related to clinical trial outcomes, such as the unique outcome ID, study protocol ID, patient ID, outcome type (e.g., primary, secondary), measurement or assessment, and result.
      • Study Documents: This table contains information about documents associated with the clinical trial, such as the unique document ID, study protocol ID, document type (e.g., informed consent form, study report), and storage location (e.g., file path or URL).