Competitive Game

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A Competitive Game is a game that is a competitive task (with competitive opponents).



  • (Wikipedia, 2014) ⇒ Retrieved:2014-8-6.
    • … Of the two types of games, noncooperative games are able to model situations to the finest details, producing accurate results. Cooperative games focus on the game at large. Considerable efforts have been made to link the two approaches. The so-called Nash-programme (Nash program is the research agenda for investigating on the one hand axiomatic bargaining solutions and on the other hand the equilibrium outcomes of strategic bargaining procedures)[1] has already established many of the cooperative solutions as noncooperative equilibria.

      Hybrid games contain cooperative and non-cooperative elements. For instance, coalitions of players are formed in a cooperative game, but these play in a non-cooperative fashion.

  1. Harold Houba, Wilko Bolt. Credible Threats in Negotiations. A Game-theoretic Approach. Chapter 4. The Nash Program. ISBN 978-1-4020-7183-6.


  • (Simon, 1959) ⇒ Herbert A. Simon. (1959). “Theories of Decision-Making in Economics and Behavioral Science." The American economic review, 49(3).


  • (Nash, 1951) ⇒ John Nash. (1951). “Non-Cooperative Games.” In: The Annals of Mathematics, 54(2).