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Showing 100 pages using this property.
Web-based Models for Natural Language Processing  +
What Makes a Gene Name? Named entity recognition in the biomedical literature  +
Why Most Published Research Findings Are False  +
Word-Formation and Inflectional Morphology  +
A Binary Linear Programming Formulation of the Graph Edit Distance  +
A Biocurator Perspective: Annotation at the Research Collaboratory for Structural Bioinformatics Protein Data Bank  +
A Closer Look at Skip-gram Modelling  +
A Comparison of Reasoning Techniques for Querying Large Description Logic ABoxes  +
A Composite Kernel to Extract Relations between Entities with Both Flat and Structured Features  +
A Comprehensive Comparison Study of Document Clustering for a Biomedical Digital Library MEDLINE  +
A Fast Learning Algorithm for Deep Belief Nets  +
A General Approach to Online Network Optimization Problems  +
A General and Multi-lingual Phrase Chunking Model based on Masking Method  +
A Hybrid Convolution Tree Kernel for Semantic Role Labeling  +
A Latent Dirichlet Model for Unsupervised Entity Resolution  +
A Methodology For Building Conceptual Domain Ontologies  +
A Phrase-based Statistical Model for SMS Text Normalization  +
A Review and Comparison of Methods for Detecting Outliers in Univariate Data Sets  +
A Survey of Nonlinear Conjugate Gradient Methods  +
A Survey on Ontology Mapping  +
A System for Integrating Unstructured Data into Relational Databases  +
A Validation of a Computer-assisted Randomized Response Survey to Estimate the Prevalence of Fraud in Social Security  +
Accelerated Training of Conditional Random Fields with Stochastic Gradient Methods  +
Accurate Information Extraction from Research Papers using Conditional Random Fields  +
Adaptive Nonparametric Markov Models and Information-Theoretic Methods for Image Restoration and Segmentation  +
Adaptive Relationship Extraction by Machine Learning  +
Advances in Open Domain Question Answering  +
Advances in Gaussian Processes  +
Alignment by Agreement  +
All of Nonparametric Statistics  +
An Effective Two-stage Model for Exploiting Non-local Dependencies in Named Entity Recognition  +
An Empirical Comparison of Supervised Learning Algorithms  +
An End-to-end Supervised Target-Word Sense Disambiguation System  +
An Intelligent Wizard for Automatic Workflow Modeling  +
An Introduction to ROC Analysis  +
Analysis and Repair of Name Tagger Errors  +
Analysis of Cluster Randomized Cross-over Trial Data: A Comparison of Methods  +
Anytime Classification Using the Nearest Neighbor Algorithm with Applications to Stream Mining  +
Approximate Inference Techniques for Identity Uncertainty  +
Automatic Discovery of Whole-Part Relations  +
Automated Detection and Annotation of Term Definitions in German Text Corpora  +
Automatic Assignment of Biomedical Categories: toward a generic approach  +
Bandit Problems  +
Bayesian Sets  +
Being Accurate is Not Enough: How Accuracy Metrics Have Hurt Recommender Systems  +
Belief Revision for AgentSpeak Agents  +
Belief Revision for AgentSpeak Agents  +
BestCut: A Graph Algorithm for Coreference Resolution  +
Beyond the Data Deluge: data integration and biontologies  +
Beyond the Welfare State?: the new political economy of welfare. 3rd edition  +
Bibliometric Impact Measures Leveraging Topic Analysis  +
Bigtable: A Distributed Storage System for Structured Data  +
Biocurators: Contributors to the World of Science  +
Bootstrapping Named Entity Recognition with Automatically Generated Gazetteer Lists  +
Broad-Coverage Sense Disambiguation and Information Extraction with a Supersense Sequence Tagger  +
Championing of an LTV Model at LTC  +
CiteSpace II: Detecting and visualizing emerging trends and transient patterns in scientific literature  +
Clustering Scientific Literature Using Sparse Citation Graph Analysis  +
Combinatorial Markov Random Fields  +
Combining Linguistic and Statistical Analysis to Extract Relations from Web Documents  +
Concept Mining for Indexing Medical Literature  +
Conversion of WordNet to a standard RDF/OWL representation.  +
Conversion of WordNet to a standard RDF/OWL representation.  +
DL+log: Tight Integration of Description Logics and Disjunctive Datalog  +
Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques, 2nd ed  +
Data Mining Curriculum: A Proposal (Version 1.0)  +
Decision Trees for Hierarchical Multilabel Classification: A case study in functional genomics  +
Defining N-ary Relations on the Semantic Web  +
Designing What-if Analysis: Towards a Methodology  +
Determining Word Sense Dominance Using a Thesaurus  +
Dictionary of Distances  +
Discourse Annotation: Discourse Connectives and Discourse Relations  +
Discovering semantic features in the literature: a foundation for building functional associations  +
Discriminative Random Fields  +
Do Poor Children Become Poor Adults? Lessons from a Cross-country Comparison of Generational Earnings Mobility  +
Domain-independent Data Cleaning Via Analysis of Entity-Relationship Graph  +
Domain Adaptation with Structural Correspondence Learning  +
Introduction to Probability and Statistics I, STAT 510  +
Dynamic Topic Models  +
EKOSS: A Knowledge-User Centered Approach to Knowledge Sharing, Discovery, and Integration on the Semantic Web  +
Effective Self-training for Parsing  +
Efficiently Linking Text Documents with Relevant Structured Information  +
Efficient Batch Top-k Search for Dictionary-based Entity Recognition  +
Efficient Inference on Sequence Segmentation Models  +
Ensemble based Systems in Decision Making  +
Entity Resolution with Markov Logic  +
Espresso: Leveraging Generic Patterns for Automatically Harvesting Semantic Relations  +
Evaluating WordNet-based Measures of Lexical Semantic Relatedness  +
Exact Decoding for Jointly Labeling and Chunking Sequences  +
Exploiting Shallow Linguistic Information for Relation Extraction from Biomedical Literature  +
Exploring Syntactic Features for Relation Extraction Using a Convolution Tree Kernel  +
Extraction of Gene-Disease Relations from Medline Using Domain Dictionaries and Machine Learning  +
Fast Random Walk with Restart and Its Applications  +
Finding Synonyms Using Automatic Word Alignment and Measures of Distributional Similarity  +
Flexible Tree Kernels based on Counting the Number of Tree Mappings  +
Flowcube: Constructing RFID flowcubes for multi-dimensional analysis of commodity flows  +
Forecast 2020  +
Framework for a Protein Ontology  +
Frequent Subgraph Mining in Outerplanar Graphs  +
Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning  +