2006 AHybridConvolTreeKernelForSRL

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Subject Headings: Semantic Role Labelling, Convolution Tree Kernel


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“A hybrid convolution tree kernel is proposed in this paper to effectively model syntactic structures for semantic role labeling (SRL). The hybrid kernel consists of two individual convolution kernels: a Path kernel, which captures predicateargument link features, and a Constituent Structure kernel, which captures the syntactic structure features of arguments. Evaluation on the datasets of CoNLL-2005 SRL shared task shows that the novel hybrid convolution tree kernel outperforms the previous tree kernels. We also combine our new hybrid tree kernel based method with the standard rich flat feature based method. The experimental results show that the combinational method can get better performance than each of them individually.

Convolution Tree Kernels for SRL

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 AuthorvolumeDate ValuetitletypejournaltitleUrldoinoteyear
2006 AHybridConvolTreeKernelForSRLMin Zhang
W. Che
T. Liu
S. Li
A Hybrid Convolution Tree Kernel for Semantic Role Labelinghttp://acl.ldc.upenn.edu/P/P06/P06-2010.pdf