2010 WordRepresentationsASimpleandGe

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Subject Headings: Distributional Word Representation.


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If we take an existing supervised NLP system, a simple and general way to improve accuracy is to use unsupervised word representations as extra word features. We evaluate Brown clusters, Collobert and Weston (2008) embeddings, and HLBL (Mnih & Hinton, 2009) embeddings of words on both NER and chunking. We use near state-of-the-art supervised baselines, and find that each of the three word representations improves the accuracy of these baselines. We find further improvements by combining different word representations. You can download our word features, for off-the-shelf use in existing NLP systems, as well as our code, here: http://metaoptimize.com/projects/wordreprs/

3 Clustering-based word representations

Another type of word representation is to induce a clustering over words. Clustering methods and distributional methods can overlap. For example, Pereira et al. (1993) begin with a cooccurrence matrix and transform this matrix into a clustering.

3.1 Brown clustering

The Brown algorithm is a hierarchical clustering algorithm which clusters words to maximize the mutual information of bigrams (Brown et al., 1992). So it is a class-based bigram language model. It runs in time [math]\displaystyle{ O(V·K^2) }[/math], where [math]\displaystyle{ V }[/math] is the size of the vocabulary and [math]\displaystyle{ K }[/math] is the number of clusters. The hierarchical nature of the clustering means that we can choose the word class at several levels in the hierarchy, which can compensate for poor clusters of a small number of words. One downside of Brown clustering is that it is based solely on bigram statistics, and does not consider word usage in a wider context.

Brown clusters have been used successfully in a variety of NLP applications: NER (Miller et al., 2004; Liang, 2005; Ratinov & Roth, 2009), PCFG parsing (Candito & Crabbé, 2009), dependency parsing (Koo et al., 2008; Suzuki et al., 2009), and semantic dependency parsing (Zhao et al., 2009).

Martin et al. (1998) presents algorithms for inducing hierarchical clusterings based upon word bigram and trigram statistics. Ushioda (1996) presents an extension to the Brown clustering algorithm, and learn hierarchical clusterings of words as well as phrases, which they apply to POS tagging.

3.2 Other work on cluster-based word representations

Lin and Wu (2009) present a K-means-like non-hierarchical clustering algorithm for phrases, which uses MapReduce.

HMMs can be used to induce a soft clustering, specifically a multinomial distribution over possible clusters (hidden states). Li and McCallum (2005) use an HMM-LDA model to improve POS tagging and Chinese Word Segmentation. Huang and Yates (2009) induce a fully-connected HMM, which emits a multinomial distribution over possible vocabulary words. They perform hard clustering using the Viterbi algorithm. (Alternately, they could keep the soft clustering, with the representation for a particular word token being the posterior probability distribution over the states.) However, the CRF chunker in Huang and Yates (2009), which uses their HMM word clusters as extra features, achieves F1 lower than a baseline CRF chunker (Sha & Pereira, 2003). Goldberg et al. (2009) use an HMM to assign POS tags to words, which in turns improves the accuracy of the PCFG-based Hebrew parser. Deschacht and Moens (2009) use a latent-variable language model to improve semantic role labeling.


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 AuthorvolumeDate ValuetitletypejournaltitleUrldoinoteyear
2010 WordRepresentationsASimpleandGeLev Ratinov
Joseph Turian
Yoshua Bengio
Word Representations: A Simple and General Method for Semi-supervised Learning2010