2012 MachineLearningAProbabilisticPe

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  • (Murphy, 2012) ⇒ Kevin P. Murphy. (2012). “Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective.” The MIT Press. ISBN:0262018020, 9780262018029

Subject Headings: ML Textbook.


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Book Overview

Today's Web-enabled deluge of electronic data calls for automated methods of data analysis. Machine learning provides these, developing methods that can automatically detect patterns in data and then use the uncovered patterns to predict future data. This textbook offers a comprehensive and self-contained introduction to the field of machine learning, based on a unified, probabilistic approach. The coverage combines breadth and depth, offering necessary background material on such topics as probability, optimization, and linear algebra as well as discussion of recent developments in the field, including conditional random fields, L1 regularization, and deep learning. The book is written in an informal, accessible style, complete with pseudo-code for the most important algorithms. All topics are copiously illustrated with color images and worked examples drawn from such application domains as biology, text processing, computer vision, and robotics. Rather than providing a cookbook of different heuristic methods, the book stresses a principled model-based approach, often using the language of graphical models to specify models in a concise and intuitive way. Almost all the models described have been implemented in a MATLAB software package -- PMTK (probabilistic modeling toolkit) -- that is freely available online. The book is suitable for upper-level undergraduates with an introductory-level college math background and beginning graduate students.

Table of Contents

1   Introduction
1.1 Machine learning: what and why?
1.1.1 Types of machine learning
1.2 Supervised learning
1.2.1 Classification
1.2.2 Regression
1.3 Unsupervised learning
1.3.1 Discovering clusters
1.3.2 Discovering latent factors
1.3.3 Discovering graph structure
1.3.4 Matrix completion
1.4 Some basic concepts in machine learning
1.4.1 Parametric vs non-parametric models

16 1.4.2 A simple non-parametric classifier: K -nearest neighbors 16 1.4.3 The curse of dimensionality 18 1.4.4 Parametric models for classification and regression 19 1.4.5 Linear regression 19 1.4.6 Logistic regression 21 1.4.7 Overfitting 22 1.4.8 Model selection 22 1.4.9 No free lunch theorem 24

2   Probability

27 2.1 Introduction 27 2.2 A brief review of probability theory 28 2.2.1 Discrete random variables 28 2.2.2 Fundamental rules 28 2.2.3 Bayes rule 29 2.2.4 Independence and conditional independence 30 2.2.5 Continuous random variables 32 viii CONTENTS 2.2.6 Quantiles 33 2.2.7 Mean and variance 33 2.3 Some common discrete distributions 34 2.3.1 The binomial and Bernoulli distributions 34 2.3.2 The multinomial and multinoulli distributions 35 2.3.3 The Poisson distribution 37 2.3.4 The empirical distribution 37 2.4 Some common continuous distributions 38 2.4.1 Gaussian (normal) distribution 38 2.4.2 Degenerate pdf 39 2.4.3 The Student t distribution 39 2.4.4 The Laplace distribution 41 2.4.5 The gamma distribution 41 2.4.6 The beta distribution 42 2.4.7 Pareto distribution 43 2.5 Joint probability distributions 44 2.5.1 Covariance and correlation 44 2.5.2 The multivariate Gaussian 46 2.5.3 Multivariate Student t distribution 46 2.5.4 Dirichlet distribution 47 2.6 Transformations of random variables 49 2.6.1 Linear transformations 49 2.6.2 General transformations 50 2.6.3 Central limit theorem 51 2.7 Monte Carlo approximation 52 2.7.1 Example: change of variables, the MC way 53 2.7.2 Example: estimating π by Monte Carlo integration 54 2.7.3 Accuracy of Monte Carlo approximation 54 2.8 Information theory 56 2.8.1 Entropy 56 2.8.2 KL divergence 57 2.8.3 Mutual information 59

3   Generative models for discrete data

65 3.1 Introduction 65 3.2 Bayesian concept learning 65 3.2.1 Likelihood 67 3.2.2 Prior 67 3.2.3 Posterior 68 3.2.4 Posterior predictive distribution 71 3.2.5 A more complex prior 72 3.3 The beta-binomial model 72 3.3.1 Likelihood 73 3.3.2 Prior 74 3.3.3 Posterior 75 3.3.4 Posterior predictive distribution 77 3.4 The Dirichlet-multinomial model 78 3.4.1 Likelihood 79 3.4.2 Prior 79 3.4.3 Posterior 79 3.4.4 Posterior predictive 81 3.5 Naive Bayes classifiers 82 3.5.1 Model fitting 83 3.5.2 Using the model for prediction 85 3.5.3 The log-sum-exp trick 86 3.5.4 Feature selection using mutual information 86 3.5.5 Classifying documents using bag of words 87

4   Gaussian models

97 4.1 Introduction 97 4.1.1 Notation 97 4.1.2 Basics 97 4.1.3 MLE for an MVN 99 4.1.4 Maximum entropy derivation of the Gaussian * 101 4.2 Gaussian discriminant analysis 101 4.2.1 Quadratic discriminant analysis (QDA) 102 4.2.2 Linear discriminant analysis (LDA) 103 4.2.3 Two-class LDA 104 4.2.4 MLE for discriminant analysis 106 4.2.5 Strategies for preventing overfitting 106 4.2.6 Regularized LDA * 107 4.2.7 Diagonal LDA 108 4.2.8 Nearest shrunken centroids classifier * 109 4.3 Inference in jointly Gaussian distributions 110 4.3.1 Statement of the result 111 4.3.2 Examples 111 4.3.3 Information form 115 4.3.4 Proof of the result * 116 4.4 Linear Gaussian systems 119 4.4.1 Statement of the result 119 4.4.2 Examples 120 4.4.3 Proof of the result * 124 4.5 Digression: The Wishart distribution * 125 4.5.1 Inverse Wishart distribution 126 4.5.2 Visualizing the Wishart distribution * 127 4.6 Inferring the parameters of an MVN 127 4.6.1 Posterior distribution of μ 128 4.6.2 Posterior distribution of Σ

128 4.6.3 Posterior distribution of μ and Σ

132 4.6.4 Sensor fusion with unknown precisions * 138

5   Bayesian statistics

149 5.1 Introduction 149 5.2 Summarizing posterior distributions 149 5.2.1 MAP estimation 149 5.2.2 Credible intervals 152 5.2.3 Inference for a di � erence in proportions 154 5.3 Bayesian model selection 155 5.3.1 Bayesian Occam’s razor 156 5.3.2 Computing the marginal likelihood (evidence) 158 5.3.3 Bayes factors 163 5.3.4 Je � reys-Lindley paradox * 164 5.4 Priors 165 5.4.1 Uninformative priors 165 5.4.2 Je � reys priors * 166 5.4.3 Robust priors 168 5.4.4 Mixtures of conjugate priors 168 5.5 Hierarchical Bayes 171 5.5.1 Example: modeling related cancer rates 171 5.6 Empirical Bayes 172 5.6.1 Example: beta-binomial model 173 5.6.2 Example: Gaussian-Gaussian model 173 5.7 Bayesian decision theory 176 5.7.1 Bayes estimators for common loss functions 177 5.7.2 The false positive vs false negative tradeo � 180 5.7.3 Other topics * 184

6   Frequentist statistics

191 6.1 Introduction 191 6.2 Sampling distribution of an estimator 191 6.2.1 Bootstrap 192 6.2.2 Large sample theory for the MLE * 193 6.3 Frequentist decision theory 194 6.3.1 Bayes risk 195 6.3.2 Minimax risk 196 6.3.3 Admissible estimators 197 6.4 Desirable properties of estimators 200 6.4.1 Consistent estimators 200 6.4.2 Unbiased estimators 200 6.4.3 Minimum variance estimators 201 6.4.4 The bias-variance tradeo � 202 6.5 Empirical risk minimization 204 6.5.1 Regularized risk minimization 205 6.5.2 Structural risk minimization 206 6.5.3 Estimating the risk using cross validation 206 6.5.4 Upper bounding the risk using statistical learning theory * 209 CONTENTS xi 6.5.5 Surrogate loss functions 210 6.6 Pathologies of frequentist statistics * 211 6.6.1 Counter-intuitive behavior of confidence intervals 212 6.6.2 p-values considered harmful 213 6.6.3 The likelihood principle 214 6.6.4 Why isn’t everyone a Bayesian? 215

7   Linear regression

217 7.1 Introduction 217 7.2 Model specification 217 7.3 Maximum likelihood estimation (least squares) 217 7.3.1 Derivation of the MLE 219 7.3.2 Geometric interpretation 220 7.3.3 Convexity 221 7.4 Robust linear regression * 223 7.5 Ridge regression 225 7.5.1 Basic idea 225 7.5.2 Numerically stable computation * 227 7.5.3 Connection with PCA * 228 7.5.4 Regularization e � ects of big data 230 7.6 Bayesian linear regression 231 7.6.1 Computing the posterior 232 7.6.2 Computing the posterior predictive 233 7.6.3 Bayesian inference when σ 2 is unknown * 234 7.6.4 EB for linear regression (evidence procedure) 238

8   Logistic regression

245 8.1 Introduction 245 8.2 Model specification 245 8.3 Model fitting 245 8.3.1 MLE 246 8.3.2 Steepest descent 247 8.3.3 Newton’s method 249 8.3.4 Iteratively reweighted least squares (IRLS) 250 8.3.5 Quasi-Newton (variable metric) methods 251 8.3.6 � 2 regularization 252 8.3.7 Multi-class logistic regression 252 8.4 Bayesian logistic regression 254 8.4.1 Laplace approximation 255 8.4.2 Derivation of the BIC 255 8.4.3 Gaussian approximation for logistic regression 256 8.4.4 Approximating the posterior predictive 256 8.4.5 Residual analysis (outlier detection) * 260 8.5 Online learning and stochastic optimization 261 8.5.1 Online learning and regret minimization 262 xii CONTENTS 8.5.2 Stochastic optimization and risk minimization 262 8.5.3 The LMS algorithm 264 8.5.4 The perceptron algorithm 265 8.5.5 A Bayesian view 266 8.6 Generative vs discriminative classifiers 267 8.6.1 Pros and cons of each approach 268 8.6.2 Dealing with missing data 269 8.6.3 Fisher’s linear discriminant analysis (FLDA) * 271

9   Generalized linear models and the exponential family

281 9.1 Introduction 281 9.2 The exponential family 281 9.2.1 Definition 282 9.2.2 Examples 282 9.2.3 Log partition function 284 9.2.4 MLE for the exponential family 286 9.2.5 Bayes for the exponential family * 287 9.2.6 Maximum entropy derivation of the exponential family * 289 9.3 Generalized linear models (GLMs) 290 9.3.1 Basics 290 9.3.2 ML and MAP estimation 292 9.3.3 Bayesian inference 293 9.4 Probit regression 293 9.4.1 ML/MAP estimation using gradient-based optimization 294 9.4.2 Latent variable interpretation 294 9.4.3 Ordinal probit regression * 295 9.4.4 Multinomial probit models * 295 9.5 Multi-task learning 296 9.5.1 Hierarchical Bayes for multi-task learning 296 9.5.2 Application to personalized email spam filtering 296 9.5.3 Application to domain adaptation 297 9.5.4 Other kinds of prior 297 9.6 Generalized linear mixed models * 298 9.6.1 Example: semi-parametric GLMMs for medical data 298 9.6.2 Computational issues 300 9.7 Learning to rank * 300 9.7.1 The pointwise approach 301 9.7.2 The pairwise approach 301 9.7.3 The listwise approach 302 9.7.4 Loss functions for ranking 303

10  Directed graphical models (Bayes nets)

307 10.1 Introduction 307 10.1.1 Chain rule 307 10.1.2 Conditional independence 308 10.1.3 Graphical models 308 10.1.4 Graph terminology 309 10.1.5 Directed graphical models 310 10.2 Examples 311 10.2.1 Naive Bayes classifiers 311 10.2.2 Markov and hidden Markov models 312 10.2.3 Medical diagnosis 313 10.2.4 Genetic linkage analysis * 315 10.2.5 Directed Gaussian graphical models * 318 10.3 Inference 319 10.4 Learning 320 10.4.1 Plate notation 320 10.4.2 Learning from complete data 322 10.4.3 Learning with missing and/or latent variables 323 10.5 Conditional independence properties of DGMs 324 10.5.1 d-separation and the Bayes Ball algorithm (global Markov properties) 324 10.5.2 Other Markov properties of DGMs 327 10.5.3 Markov blanket and full conditionals 327 10.6 Influence (decision) diagrams * 328

11  Mixture models and the EM algorithm

337 11.1 Latent variable models 337 11.2 Mixture models 337 11.2.1 Mixtures of Gaussians 339 11.2.2 Mixture of multinoullis 340 11.2.3 Using mixture models for clustering 340 11.2.4 Mixtures of experts 342 11.3 Parameter estimation for mixture models 345 11.3.1 Unidentifiability 346 11.3.2 Computing a MAP estimate is non-convex 347 11.4 The EM algorithm 348 11.4.1 Basic idea 349 11.4.2 EM for GMMs 350 11.4.3 EM for mixture of experts 357 11.4.4 EM for DGMs with hidden variables 358 11.4.5 EM for the Student distribution * 359 11.4.6 EM for probit regression * 362 11.4.7 Theoretical basis for EM * 363 11.4.8 Online EM 365 11.4.9 Other EM variants * 367 11.5 Model selection for latent variable models 370 11.5.1 Model selection for probabilistic models 370 11.5.2 Model selection for non-probabilistic methods 370 11.6 Fitting models with missing data 372 xiv CONTENTS 11.6.1 EM for the MLE of an MVN with missing data 373

12  Latent linear models

381 12.1 Factor analysis 381 12.1.1 FA is a low rank parameterization of an MVN 381 12.1.2 Inference of the latent factors 382 12.1.3 Unidentifiability 383 12.1.4 Mixtures of factor analysers 385 12.1.5 EM for factor analysis models 386 12.1.6 Fitting FA models with missing data 387 12.2 Principal components analysis (PCA) 387 12.2.1 Classical PCA: statement of the theorem 387 12.2.2 Proof * 389 12.2.3 Singular value decomposition (SVD) 392 12.2.4 Probabilistic PCA 395 12.2.5 EM algorithm for PCA 396 12.3 Choosing the number of latent dimensions 398 12.3.1 Model selection for FA/PPCA 398 12.3.2 Model selection for PCA 399 12.4 PCA for categorical data 402 12.5 PCA for paired and multi-view data 404 12.5.1 Supervised PCA (latent factor regression) 405 12.5.2 Partial least squares 406 12.5.3 Canonical correlation analysis 407 12.6 Independent Component Analysis (ICA) 407 12.6.1 Maximum likelihood estimation 410 12.6.2 The FastICA algorithm 411 12.6.3 Using EM 414 12.6.4 Other estimation principles * 415

13  Sparse linear models

421 13.1 Introduction 421 13.2 Bayesian variable selection 422 13.2.1 The spike and slab model 424 13.2.2 From the Bernoulli-Gaussian model to � 0 regularization 425 13.2.3 Algorithms 426 13.3 � 1 regularization: basics 429 13.3.1 Why does � 1 regularization yield sparse solutions? 430 13.3.2 Optimality conditions for lasso 431 13.3.3 Comparison of least squares, lasso, ridge and subset selection 435 13.3.4 Regularization path 436 13.3.5 Model selection 439 13.3.6 Bayesian inference for linear models with Laplace priors 440 13.4 � 1 regularization: algorithms 441 13.4.1 Coordinate descent 441 CONTENTS xv 13.4.2 LARS and other homotopy methods 441 13.4.3 Proximal and gradient projection methods 442 13.4.4 EM for lasso 447 13.5 � 1 regularization: extensions 449 13.5.1 Group Lasso 449 13.5.2 Fused lasso 454 13.5.3 Elastic net (ridge and lasso combined) 455 13.6 Non-convex regularizers 457 13.6.1 Bridge regression 458 13.6.2 Hierarchical adaptive lasso 458 13.6.3 Other hierarchical priors 462 13.7 Automatic relevance determination (ARD)/sparse Bayesian learning (SBL) 463 13.7.1 ARD for linear regression 463 13.7.2 Whence sparsity? 465 13.7.3 Connection to MAP estimation 465 13.7.4 Algorithms for ARD * 466 13.7.5 ARD for logistic regression 468 13.8 Sparse coding * 468 13.8.1 Learning a sparse coding dictionary 469 13.8.2 Results of dictionary learning from image patches 470 13.8.3 Compressed sensing 472 13.8.4 Image inpainting and denoising 472

14  Kernels

479 14.1 Introduction 479 14.2 Kernel functions 479 14.2.1 RBF kernels 480 14.2.2 Kernels for comparing documents 480 14.2.3 Mercer (positive definite) kernels 481 14.2.4 Linear kernels 482 14.2.5 Matern kernels 482 14.2.6 String kernels 483 14.2.7 Pyramid match kernels 484 14.2.8 Kernels derived from probabilistic generative models 485 14.3 Using kernels inside GLMs 486 14.3.1 Kernel machines 486 14.3.2 L1VMs, RVMs, and other sparse vector machines 487 14.4 The kernel trick 488 14.4.1 Kernelized nearest neighbor classification 489 14.4.2 Kernelized K-medoids clustering 489 14.4.3 Kernelized ridge regression 492 14.4.4 Kernel PCA 493 14.5 Support vector machines (SVMs) 496 14.5.1 SVMs for regression 497 14.5.2 SVMs for classification 498 14.5.3 Choosing C 504 14.5.4 Summary of key points 504 14.5.5 A probabilistic interpretation of SVMs 505 14.6 Comparison of discriminative kernel methods 505 14.7 Kernels for building generative models 507 14.7.1 Smoothing kernels 507 14.7.2 Kernel density estimation (KDE) 508 14.7.3 From KDE to KNN 509 14.7.4 Kernel regression 510 14.7.5 Locally weighted regression 512

15  Gaussian processes

515 15.1 Introduction 515 15.2 GPs for regression 516 15.2.1 Predictions using noise-free observations 517 15.2.2 Predictions using noisy observations 518 15.2.3 E � ect of the kernel parameters 519 15.2.4 Estimating the kernel parameters 521 15.2.5 Computational and numerical issues * 524 15.2.6 Semi-parametric GPs * 524 15.3 GPs meet GLMs 525 15.3.1 Binary classification 525 15.3.2 Multi-class classification 528 15.3.3 GPs for Poisson regression 531 15.4 Connection with other methods 532 15.4.1 Linear models compared to GPs 532 15.4.2 Linear smoothers compared to GPs 533 15.4.3 SVMs compared to GPs 534 15.4.4 L1VM and RVMs compared to GPs 534 15.4.5 Neural networks compared to GPs 535 15.4.6 Smoothing splines compared to GPs * 536 15.4.7 RKHS methods compared to GPs * 538 15.5 GP latent variable model 540 15.6 Approximation methods for large datasets 542

16  Adaptive basis function models

543 16.1 Introduction 543 16.2 Classification and regression trees (CART) 544 16.2.1 Basics 544 16.2.2 Growing a tree 546 16.2.3 Pruning a tree 549 16.2.4 Pros and cons of trees 550 16.2.5 Random forests 551 16.2.6 CART compared to hierarchical mixture of experts * 551 16.3 Generalized additive models 552



 AuthorvolumeDate ValuetitletypejournaltitleUrldoinoteyear
2012 MachineLearningAProbabilisticPeKevin P. MurphyMachine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective2012