2018 NeuralFactorGraphModelsforCross

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Subject Headings: Morphological Analysis, Factorial Conditional Random Field.


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Morphological analysis involves predicting the syntactic traits of a word (e.g. {POS:Noun, Case:Acc, Gender:Fem}). Previous work in morphological tagging improves performance for low-resource languages (LRLs) through cross-lingual training with a high-resource language (HRL) from the same family, but is limited by the strict, often false, assumption that tag sets exactly overlap between the HRL and LRL. In this paper we propose a method for cross-lingual morphological tagging that aims to improve information sharing between languages by relaxing this assumption. The proposed model uses factorial conditional random fields with neural network potentials, making it possible to (1) utilize the expressive power of neural network representations to smooth over superficial differences in the surface forms, (2) model pairwise and transitive relationships between tags, and (3) accurately generate tag sets that are unseen or rare in the training data. Experiments on four languages from the Universal Dependencies Treebank demonstrate superior tagging accuracies over existing cross-lingual approaches [1].

1 Introduction

Morphological analysis (Hajič and Hladká (1998), Oflazer and Kuruöz (1994), inter alia) is the task of predicting fine-grained annotations about the syntactic properties of tokens in a language such as part-of-speech, case, or tense. For instance, in Figure 1, the given Portuguese sentence is labeled with the respective morphological tags such as Gender and its label value Masculine.

2018 NeuralFactorGraphModelsforCross Figure1.jpg
Figure 1: Morphological tags for a UD sentence in Portuguese and a translation in Spanish

The accuracy of morphological analyzers is paramount, because their results are often a first step in the NLP pipeline for tasks such as transla- tion (Vylomova et al., 2017; Tsarfaty et al., 2010) and parsing (Tsarfaty et al., 2013), and errors in the upstream analysis may cascade to the down- stream tasks. One difficulty, however, in creating these taggers is that only a limited amount of anno- tated data is available for a majority of the world’s languages to learn these morphological taggers. Fortunately, recent efforts in morphological an- notation follow a standard annotation schema for these morphological tags across languages, and now the Universal Dependencies Treebank (Nivre et al., 2017) has tags according to this schema in 60 languages.

Cotterell and Heigold (2017) have recently shown that combining this shared schema with cross-lingual training on a related high-resource language (HRL) gives improved performance on tagging accuracy for low-resource languages (LRLs). The output space of this model consists of tag sets such as {POS: Adj, Gender: Masc, Number: Sing}, which are predicted for a token at each time step. However, this model relies heavily on the fact that the entire space of tag sets for the LRL must match those of the HRL, which is of- ten not the case, either due to linguistic divergence or small differences in the annotation schemes be- tween the two languages. [2] For instance, in Fig- ure 1 “refrescante” is assigned a gender in the Portuguese UD treebank, but not in the Spanish UD treebank.

In this paper, we propose a method that in- stead of predicting full tag sets, makes predictions over single tags separately but ties together each decision by modeling variable dependencies be- tween tags over time steps (e.g. capturing the fact that nouns frequently occur after determiners) and pairwise dependencies between all tags at a sin- gle time step (e.g. capturing the fact that infini- tive verb forms don’t have tense). The specific model is shown in Figure 2, consisting of a facto- rial conditional random field (FCRF; Sutton et al. (2007)) with neural network potentials calculated by long short-term memory (LSTM; (Hochreiter and Schmidhuber, 1997)) at every variable node (§3). Learning and inference in the model is made tractable through belief propagation over the pos- sible tag combinations, allowing the model to con- sider an exponential label space in polynomial time (§3.5).

Figure 2: FCRF-LSTM Model for morphological tagging

This model has several advantages:

  • The model is able to generate tag sets un- seen in training data, and share information between similar tag sets, alleviating the main disadvantage of previous work cited above.
  • Our model is empirically strong, as vali- dated in our main experimental results: it consistently outperforms previous work in cross-lingual low-resource scenarios in ex- periments.
  • Our model is more interpretable, as we can probe the model parameters to understand which variable dependencies are more likely to occur in a language, as we demonstrate in our analysis.

In the following sections, we describe the model and these results in more detail.

2 Problem Formulation and Baselines

2.1 Problem Formulation

Formally, we define the problem of morpholog- ical analysis as the task of mapping a length-T string of tokens x = x1, . . . , xT into the tar- get morphological tag sets for each token y = y1, . . . , yT . For the tth token, the target label yt = yt,1, . . . , yt,m defines a set of tags (e.g. {Gender: Masc, Number: Sing, POS: Verb}). An annotation schema defines a set S of M possi- ble tag types and with the mth type (e.g. Gen- der) defining its set of possible labels Ym (e.g. {Masc, Fem, Neu}) such that yt,m ∈ Ym. We must note that not all tags or attributes need to be specified for a token; usually, a subset of S is specified for a token and the remaining tags can be treated as mapping to a NULL ∈ Ym value. Let Y = {(y1, . . . , yM ) : y1 ∈ Y1, . . . , yM ∈ YM } denote the set of all possible tag sets.

2.2 Baseline: Tag Set Prediction Data-driven models for morphological analy- sis are constructed using training data D = {(x , y )}i=1 consisting of N training exam- ples. The baseline model (Cotterell and Heigold, 2017) we compare with regards the output space

tations, although we do not examine this directly in our work.

of the model as a subset ˜

⊂ Y where ˜ is the

set of all tag sets seen in this training data. Specif- ically, they solve the task as a multi-class classi- fication problem where the classes are individual tag sets. In low-resource scenarios, this indicates that | ˜| << |Y| and even for those tag sets existing in ˜ we may have seen very few training ex- amples. The conditional probability of a sequence of tag sets given the sentence is formulated as a 0th order CRF. T p(y|x) = n p(yt|x) (1) t=1

Instead, we would like to be able to generate any combination of tags from the set Y, and share

Sadler, 2004). In a language where nouns follow adjectives, a tag set prediction {POS: Adj, Gen- der: Fem} might inform the model that the next token is likely to be a noun and have the same gen- der. The baseline model can not explicitly model such interactions given their factorization in equa- tion 1. To incorporate the dependencies discussed above, we define a factorial CRF (Sutton et al., 2007), with pairwise links between cotemporal variables and transition links between the same types of tags. This model defines a distribution over the tag-set sequence y given the input sentence x as,

statistical strength among similar tag sets.

1 p(y|x) = Z(x)

T n n ψα(yα, x, t) (3)

2.3 A Relaxation: Tag-wise Prediction As an alternative, we could consider a model that performs prediction for each tag’s label yt,m inde- pendently.

t=1 α∈C where C is the set of factors in the factor graph (as shown in Figure 2), α is one such factor, and yα is the assignment to the subset of variables neigh-

T M boring factor α. We define three types of potential

p(y|x) = n n p(yt,m|x) (2) t=1 m=1

This formulation has an advantage: the tag- predictions within a single time step are now in- dependent, it is now easy to generate any combi- nation of tags from Y. On the other hand, now it is difficult to model the interdependencies be- tween tags in the same tag set yi, a major dis- advantage over the previous model. In the next section, we describe our proposed neural factor graph model, which can model not only dependen- cies within tags for a single token, but also depen- dencies across time steps while still maintaining the flexibility to generate any combination of tags from Y.

3 Neural Factor Graph Model

Due to the correlations between the syntactic properties that are represented by morphological tags, we can imagine that capturing the relationships between these tags through pairwise dependen- cies can inform the predictions of our model. These dependencies exist both among tags for the same token (intra-token pairwise dependencies),

functions: neural ψNN , pairwise ψP , and transi- tion ψT , described in detail below.

Figure 3: Factors in the Neural Factor Graph model (red: Pairwise, grey: Transition, green: Neural Network)

3.1 Neural Factors

The flexibility of our formulation allows us to in- clude any form of custom-designed potentials in our model. Those for the neural factors have a fairly standard log-linear form, and across tokens in the sentence (inter-token tran- sition dependencies). For instance, knowing that a token’s POS tag is a Noun, would strongly suggest

ψNN,i(yt,m) = exp k λnn,kfnn,k (x, t) (4)

that this token would have a NULL label for the tag Tense, with very few exceptions (Nordlinger and

except that the features fnn,k are themselves given by a neural network. There is one such factor per

variable. We obtain our neural factors using a biL- STM over the input sequence x, where the input word embedding for each token is obtained from a character-level biLSTM embedder. This compo- nent of our model is similar to the model proposed by Cotterell and Heigold (2017). Given an input token xt = c1...cn, we compute an input embed- ding vt as,

vt = [cLSTM(c1...cn); cLSTM(cn...c1)] (5)

Here, cLSTM is a character-level LSTM function that returns the last hidden state. This input em- bedding vt is then used in the biLSTM tagger to compute an output representation et. Finally, the scores fnn(x, t) are obtained as,

fnn(x, t) = Wlet + bl (6)

We use a language-specific linear layer with weights Wl and bias bl.

3.2 Pairwise Factors

As discussed previously, the pairwise factors are

3.4 Language-Specific Weights

As an enhancement to the information encoded in the transition and pairwise factors, we experi- ment with training general and language-specific parameters for the transition and the pairwise weights. We define the weight matrix λgen to learn the general trends that hold across both languages, and the weights λlang to learn the exceptions to these trends. In our model, we sum both these pa- rameter matrices before calculating the transition and pairwise factors. For instance, the transition weights λT are calculated as λT = λT, gen+λT, lang. 3.5 Loopy Belief Propagation Since the graph from Figure 2 is a loopy graph, performing exact inference can be expensive. Hence, we use loopy belief propagation (Murphy et al., 1999; Ihler et al., 2005) for computation of approximate variable and factor marginals. Loopy BP is an iterative message passing algorithm that sends messages between variables and factors in a factor graph. The message updates from variable vi, with neighboring factors N (i), to factor α is

crucial for modeling correlations between tags. The pairwise factor potential for a tag i and tag

µi→α(vi) = n α∈N (i)\α

µα→i(vi) (9)

j at timestep t is given in equation 7. Here, the dimension of fp is (|Yi|, |Yj|). These scores are

The message from factor α to variable vi is

used to define the neural factors as,

µα→i(vi) = vα :vα [i]=vi

ψα(vα) n j∈N (α)\i

µj→α(vα[i]) (10)

ψPi,j (yt,i, yt,j ) = exp k

3.3 Transition Factors

λp,kfp,k (yt,i, yt,j )


where vα denote an assignment to the subset of variables adjacent to factor α, and vα[i] is the as- signment for variable vi. Message updates are performed asynchronously in our model. Our message passing schedule was similar to that of

Previous work has experimented with the use of a linear chain CRF with factors from a neural net- work (Huang et al., 2015) for sequence tagging tasks. We hypothesize that modeling transition factors in a similar manner can allow the model to utilize information about neighboring tags and capture word order features of the language. The transition factor for tag i and timestep t is given below for variables yt,i and yt+1,i. The dimension of fT is (|Yi|, |Yi|).

foward-backward: the forward pass sends all mes- sages from the first time step in the direction of the last. Messages to/from pairwise factors are in- cluded in this forward pass. The backward pass sends messages in the direction from the last time step back to the first. This process is repeated until convergence. We say that BP has converged when the maximum residual error (Sutton and Mc- Callum, 2007) over all messages is below some threshold. Upon convergence, we obtain the belief values of variables and factors as,

ψTi,t (yt,i, yt+1,i) = exp


 λT,kfT,k (yt,i, yt+1,i)


1 bi(vi) = κ

n µα→i(vi) (11)

(8) In our experiments, fp,k and fT,k are simple indi-

i α∈N (i) 1 n

cator features for the values of tag variables with no dependence on x.

bα(vα) = α


i∈N (α)

µi→α(vα[i]) (12)

where κi and κα are normalization constants en- suring that the beliefs for a variable i and factor α sum-to-one. In this way, we can use the beliefs as approximate marginal probabilities.

3.6 Learning and Decoding We perform end-to-end training of the neural fac- tor graph by following the (approximate) gradient

Table 1: Dataset sizes. tgt size = 100 or 1,000 LRL sentences are added to HRL Train

of the log-likelihood ),N

log p(y(i)|x(i)). The

true gradient requires access to the marginal prob- abilities for each factor, e.g. p(yα|x) where yα denotes the subset of variables in factor α. For example, if α is a transition factor for tag m at timestep t, then yα would be yt,m and yt+1,m. Following (Sutton et al., 2007), we replace these marginals with the beliefs bα(yα) from loopy be- lief propagation.3 Consider the log-likelihood of a single example e(i) = log p(y(i)|x(i)). The par- tial derivative with respect to parameter λg,k for each type of factor g ∈ {NN, T, P} is the dif- ference of the observed features with the expected features under the model’s (approximate) distribu- tion as represented by the beliefs:

Table 2: Tag Set Sizes with tgt size=100

4 Experimental Setup

4.1 Dataset

We used the Universal Dependencies Treebank UD v2.1 (Nivre et al., 2017) for our experiments.



= α∈Cg

/ fg,k (y(i)) −

\ bα(yα)fg,k (yα) yα

We picked four low-resource/high-resource language pairs, each from a different family: Danish/Swedish (DA/SV), Russian/Bulgarian (RU/BG), Finnish/Hungarian (FI/HU), Span-

where Cg denotes all the factors of type g, and we have omitted any dependence on x(i) and t for brevity — t is accessible through the factor index α. For the neural network factors, the features are given by a biLSTM. We backpropagate through to the biLSTM parameters using the partial deriva- tive below,


ish/Portuguese (ES/PT). Picking languages from different families would ensure that we obtain results that are on average consistent across languages. The sizes of the training and evaluation sets are specified in Table 1. In order to simulate low- resource settings, we follow the experimental pro- cedure from Cotterell and Heigold (2017). We re-

∂fNN,k (y(i), t)

= λNN,k −



strict the number of sentences of the target lan- guage (tgt size) in the training set to 100 or 1000 sentences. We also augment the tag sets in our

where bt,m(·) is the variable belief corresponding to variable yt,m. To predict a sequence of tag sets yˆ at test time, we use minimum Bayes risk (MBR) decoding (Bickel and Doksum, 1977; Goodman, 1996) for Hamming loss over tags. For a variable yt,m rep- resenting tag m at timestep t, we take

yˆt,m = arg max bt,m(l). (13) l∈Ym

where l ranges over the possible labels for tag m.

training data by adding a NULL label for all tags that are not seen for a token. It is expected that our model will learn which tags are unlikely to oc- cur given the variable dependencies in the factor graph. The dev set and test set are only in the tar- get language. From Table 2, we can see there is also considerable variance in the number of unique tags and tag sets found in each of these language pairs.

3Using this approximate gradient is akin to the surrogate likelihood training of (Wainwright, 2006).

Language Model tgt size = 100 Accuracy F1-Micro F1-Macro tgt size=1000 Accuracy F1-Macro F1-Micro

SV Baseline Ours 15.11 29.47 8.36 54.09 10.37 54.36 68.64 71.32 76.36 84.42 76.50 84.46

BG Baseline Ours 29.05 27.81 14.32 40.97 29.62 42.43 59.20 39.25 67.22 60.23 67.12 60.84

HU Baseline Ours 21.97 33.32 13.30 54.88 16.67 54.69 50.75 45.90 58.68 74.05 62.79 73.38

PT Baseline Ours 18.91 58.82 7.10 73.67 10.33 74.07 74.22 76.26 81.62 87.13 81.87 87.22

Table 3: Token-wise accuracy and F1 scores on mono-lingual experiments

4.2 Baseline Tagger As the baseline tagger model, we re-implement the SPECIFIC model from Cotterell and Heigold (2017) that uses a language-specific softmax layer. Their model architecture uses a character biLSTM embedder to obtain a vector representation for each token, which is used as input in a word-level biLSTM. The output space of their model is all the tag sets seen in the training data. This work achieves strong performance on several languages from UD on the task of morphological tagging and is a strong baseline.

4.3 Training Regimen We followed the parameter settings from Cotterell and Heigold (2017) for the baseline tagger and the neural component of the FCRF-LSTM model. For both models, we set the input embedding and linear layer dimension to 128. We used 2 hidden layers for the LSTM where the hidden layer di- mension was set to 256 and a dropout (Srivastava et al., 2014) of 0.2 was enforced during training. All our models were implemented in the PyTorch toolkit (Paszke et al., 2017). The parameters of the character biLSTM and the word biLSTM were ini- tialized randomly. We trained the baseline models and the neural factor graph model with SGD and Adam respectively for 10 epochs each, in batches of 64 sentences. These optimizers gave the best performances for the respective models.

For the FCRF, we initialized transition and pair- wise parameters with zero weights, which was im- portant to ensure stable training. We considered BP to have reached convergence when the maxi- mum residual error was below 0.05 or if the maximum number of iterations was reached (set to 40 in our experiments). We found that in cross-lingual experiments, when tgt size = 100, the relatively large amount of data in the HRL was causing our model to overfit on the HRL and not generalize well to the LRL. As a solution to this, we upsampled the LRL data by a factor of 10 when tgt size = 100 for both the baseline and the proposed model.

Evaluation: Previous work on morphological analysis (Cotterell and Heigold, 2017; Buys and Botha, 2016) has reported scores on average token-level accuracy and F1 measure. The average token level accuracy counts a tag set pre- diction as correct only it is an exact match with the gold tag set. On the other hand, F1 mea- sure is measured on a tag-by-tag basis, which al- lows it to give partial credit to partially correct tag sets. Based on the characteristics of each evaluation measure, Accuracy will favor tag-set pre- diction models (like the baseline), and F1 mea- sure will favor tag-wise prediction models (like our proposed method). Given the nature of the task, it seems reasonable to prefer getting some of the tags correct (e.g. Noun+Masc+Sing becomes Noun+Fem+Sing), instead of missing all of them (e.g. Noun+Masc+Sing becomes Adj+Fem+Plur). F-score gives partial credit for getting some of the tags correct, while tagset-level accuracy will treat these two mistakes equally. Based on this, we believe that F-score is intuitively a better metric. However, we report both scores for completeness.

5 Results and Analysis 5.1 Main Results First, we report the results in the case of mono- lingual training in Table 3. The first row for each language pair reports the results for our reimple-

Language Model tgt size = 100 Accuracy F1-Micro F1-Macro tgt size=1000 Accuracy F1-Macro F1-Micro DA/SV Baseline Ours 66.06 63.22 73.95 78.75 74.37 78.72 82.26 77.43 87.88 87.56 87.91 87.52 RU/BG Baseline Ours 52.76 46.89 58.41 64.46 58.23 64.75 71.90 67.56 77.89 82.06 77.97 82.11 FI/HU Baseline Ours 51.74 45.41 68.15 68.63 66.82 68.07 61.80 63.93 75.96 85.06 76.16 84.12 ES/PT Baseline Ours 79.40 77.75 86.03 88.42 86.14 88.44 85.85 85.02 91.91 92.35 91.93 92.37

Table 4: Token-wise accuracy and F1 scores on cross-lingual experiments

mentation of Cotterell and Heigold (2017), and the second for our full model. From these results, we can see that we obtain improvements on the F- measure over the baseline method in most experi- mental settings except BG with tgt size = 1000. In a few more cases, the baseline model sometimes obtains higher accuracy scores for the reason de- scribed in 4.3. In our cross-lingual experiments shown in Ta- ble 4, we also note F-measure improvements over the baseline model with the exception of DA/SV when tgt size = 1000. We observe that the improvements are on average stronger when tgt size = 100. This suggests that our model performs well with very little data due to its flex- ibility to generate any tag set, including those not observed in the training data. The strongest im- provements are observed for FI/HU. This is likely because the number of unique tags is the highest in this language pair and our method scales well with the number of tags due to its ability to make use of correlations between the tags in different tag sets.

Language Transition Pairwise F1-Macro

HU × × 69.87 ../ × × ../ 73.21 73.68 ../ ../ 74.05

FI/HU × × 79.57 ../ × 84.41 × ../ 84.73 ../ ../ 85.06

Table 5: Ablation Experiments (tgt size=1000)

To examine the utility of our transition and pair- wise factors, we also report results on ablation experiments by removing transition and pairwise

factors completely from the model in Table 5. Ablation experiments for each factor showed de- creases in scores relative to the model where both factors are present, but the decrease attributed to the pairwise factors is larger, in both the mono- lingual and cross-lingual cases. Removing both factors from our proposed model results in a fur- ther decrease in the scores. These differences were found to be more significant in the case when tgt size = 100. Upon looking at the tag set predictions made by our model, we found instances where our model utilizes variable dependencies to predict correct labels. For instance, for a specific phrase in Portuguese (um estado), the baseline model predicted {POS: Det, Gender: Masc, Number: Sing}t, {POS: Noun, Gender: Fem (X), Number: Sing}t+1, whereas our model was able to get the gender correct because of the transition factors in our model.

5.2 What is the Model Learning?

Figure 4: Generic transition weights for POS from the RU/BG model

One of the major advantages of our model is

Figure 5: Generic pairwise weights between Verbform and Tense from the RU/BG model

the ability to interpret what the model has learned by looking at the trained parameter weights. We investigated both language-generic and language- specific patterns learned by our parameters:

  • Language-Generic: We found evidence for several syntactic properties learned by the model parameters. For instance, in Figure 4, we visualize the generic (λT, gen) transition weights of the POS tags in RU/BG. Several universal trends such as determiners and ad- jectives followed by nouns can be seen. In Figure 5, we also observed that infinitive has a strong correlation for NULL tense, which follows the universal phenomena that infini- tives don’t have tense.

Figure 6: Language-specific pairwise weights for RU between Gender and Tense from the RU/BG model

  • Language Specific Trends: We visual- ized the learnt language-specific weights and looked for evidence of patterns corresponding to linguistic phenomenas observed in a language of interest. For instance, in Rus- sian, verbs are gender-specific in past tense but not in other tenses. To analyze this, we plotted pairwise weights for Gender/Tense in

Figure 6 and verified strong correlations be- tween the past tense and all gender labels.

6 Related Work There exist several variations of the task of pre- diction of morphological information from an- notated data: paradigm completion (Durrett and DeNero, 2013; Cotterell et al., 2017b), morpho- logical reinflection (Cotterell et al., 2017a), seg- mentation (Creutz et al., 2005; Cotterell et al., 2016) and tagging. Work on morphological tag- ging has broadly focused on structured prediction models such as CRFs, and neural network models. Amongst structured prediction approaches, Mu¨ller et al. (2013); Mu¨ller and Schu¨tze (2015) proposed the use of a higher-order CRF that is approx- imated using coarse-to-fine decoding. (Mu¨ller et al., 2015) proposed joint lemmatization and tag- ging using this framework. (Hajicˇ, 2000) was the first work that performed experiments on multilin- gual morphological tagging. They proposed an ex- ponential model and the use of a morphological dictionary. Buys and Botha (2016); Kirov et al. (2017) proposed a model that used tag projection of type and token constraints from a resource-rich language to a low-resource language for tagging. Most recent work has focused on character- based neural models (Heigold et al., 2017), that can handle rare words and are hence more use- ful to model morphology than word-based mod- els. These models first obtain a character-level representation of a token from a biLSTM or CNN, which is provided to a word-level biLSTM tagger. Heigold et al. (2017, 2016) compared several neu- ral architectures to obtain these character-based representations and found the effect of the neu- ral network architecture to be minimal given the networks are carefully tuned. Cross-lingual trans- fer learning has previously boosted performance on tasks such as translation (Johnson et al., 2016) and POS tagging (Snyder et al., 2008; Plank et al., 2016). Cotterell and Heigold (2017) proposed a cross-lingual character-level neural morphological tagger. They experimented with different strate- gies to facilitate cross-lingual training: a language ID for each token, a language-specific softmax and a joint language identification and tagging model. We have used this work as a baseline model for comparing with our proposed method. In contrast to earlier work on morphological tagging, we use a hybrid of neural and graphical

model approaches. This combination has several advantages: we can make use of expressive feature representations from neural models while en- suring that our model is interpretable. Our work is similar in spirit to Huang et al. (2015) and Ma and Hovy (2016), who proposed models that use a CRF with features from neural models. For our graphical model component, we used a factorial CRF (Sutton et al., 2007), which is a generaliza- tion of a linear chain CRF with additional pairwise factors between cotemporal variables.

7 Conclusion and Future Work

In this work, we proposed a novel framework for sequence tagging that combines neural networks and graphical models, and showed its effective- ness on the task of morphological tagging. We believe this framework can be extended to other sequence labeling tasks in NLP such as semantic role labeling. Due to the robustness of the model across languages, we believe it can also be scaled to perform morphological tagging for mul- tiple languages together.


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 AuthorvolumeDate ValuetitletypejournaltitleUrldoinoteyear
2018 NeuralFactorGraphModelsforCrossChaitanya Malaviya
Matthew R. Gormley
Graham Neubig
Neural Factor Graph Models for Cross-lingual Morphological Tagging2018
  1. Our code and data is publicly available at http://www.github.com/chaitanyamalaviya/NeuralFactorGraph.
  2. In particular, the latter is common because many UD re- sources were created by full or semi-automatic conversion from treebanks with less comprehensive annotation schemes than UD. Our model can generate label values for these tags too, which could possibly aid the enhancement of UD anno-