Conditional Sentence

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A Conditional Sentence is a compound sentence that represents a conditional statement and follows a conditional grammatical mood.



  • (Wikipedia, 2021) ⇒ Retrieved:2021-2-24.
    • Conditional sentences are sentences that express one thing contingent on something else, e.g. “If it rains, the picnic will be cancelled". They are so called because the impact of the main clause of the sentence is conditional on the dependent clause. A full conditional thus contains two clauses: the dependent clause expressing the condition, called the antecedent (or protasis); and the main clause expressing the consequence, called the consequent (or apodosis). [1]

      Languages use a variety of grammatical forms and constructions in conditional sentences. The forms of verbs used in the antecedent and consequent are often subject to particular rules as regards their tense, aspect, and mood. Many languages have a specialized type of verb form called the conditional mood – broadly equivalent in meaning to the English "would (do something)" – for use in some types of conditional sentence.


  1. Haspelmath, Martin; König, Ekkehard; Oesterreicher, Wulf; Raible, Wolfgang: Language Typology and Language Universals, Walter de Gruyter, 2001, p. 1002.