1998 FixedExpressionsAndIdiomsInEnglish

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Subject Headings: Fixed Expression, Idioms, English Language


Cited By

  • http://mwe.stanford.edu/reading-group.html
    • Types of Multiword Expressions (a la Moon [1998]])
      • Anomalous collocations: lexicogrammatically marked
        • (syntactically) ill-formed collocations: (at all, by and large)
        • cranberry collocations: idiosyncratic lexical component -- one or more words found only in that collocation (in retrospect, kith and kin)
        • defective collocations: idiosyncratic meaning component (in effect, foot the bill)
        • phraseological collocations: semi-productive constructions, occurring in paradigms (in/into/out of action, on show/display)
      • Formulae: pragmatically marked
        • simple formulae/sayings: compositional strings with a special discourse function (alive and well, a horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse)
        • metaphorical/literal proverbs: (you can't have your cake and eat it, enough is enough)
        • similes (as good as gold)
      • Metaphors: semantically marked (non-compositional)
        • transparent metaphors: (behind someone's back, pack one's bags)
        • semi-transparent metaphors: (on an even keel, pecking order)
        • opaque metaphors: (bite the bullet, kick the bucket)
      • Collocations: compositional word co-occurrence of markedly high frequency
        • semantic collocations: co-occurrence preferences/priming effects (jam with FOOD)
        • lexico-semantic collocations: collocation paradigms (rancid butter/fat, face the truth/facts/problem)
        • syntactic collocations: fully-productive phraseological collocations (too … to ...)



  • This is a text-based study of fixed expressions, or idioms. Moon's central argument is that fixed expressions can only be fully understood if they are considered in the context of the texts in which they occur. She examines several thousand fixed expressions and how they are being used in current English. She argues that examination of the corpus raises questions about many received ideas on fixed expressions and idioms, and suggests that new, use-centered, models are required

1. Introduction and Background

2. Collocation and Chunking

  • calques, collocation, FEIs

3. Corpus and Computer

  • phrasal verbs, corpus linguistics, OHPC

4. Frequencies and FEIs

  • OHPC, frequency Predicted, linear searches

5. Lexical and Grammatical Form

6. Variation

  • Colemanballs, antonymous, Conceptual metaphors

7. Ambiguity, Polysemy, and Metaphor

  • conceptual metaphors, metonymic, per million

8. Discoursal Functions of FEIs

  • non-fiction, epistemic modalizers, rheme

9. Evaluation and Interactional Perspectives

  • Philippe Starck, rolling stone, speech acts

10. Cohesion and FEIs

  • Colemanballs, synonymy, Gricean maxims

11. Afterword

  • typology, larger corpora, inflectability,

 AuthorvolumeDate ValuetitletypejournaltitleUrldoinoteyear
1998 FixedExpressionsAndIdiomsInEnglishRosamund MoonFixed Expressions and Idioms in English: A Corpus-based Approachhttp://www.oup.com/us/catalog/general/subject/?cp=25211&ci=97801982361461998