2006 SolvingTheProblemOfCascadingErrors

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Subject Headings: Nonpipelined Algorithm, Joint Inference Algorithm.





  • Almost any system for natural language understanding must recover hidden linguistic structure at many different levels: parts of speech, syntactic dependencies, named entities, etc. For example, modern semantic role labeling (SRL) systems use the parse of the sentence, and question answering requires question type classification, parsing, named entity tagging, semantic role labeling, and often other tasks, many of which are dependent on one another and must be pipelined together. Pipelined systems are ubiquitous in NLP: in addition to the above examples, commonly parsers and named entity recognizers use part of speech tags and chunking information, and also word segmentation for languages such as Chinese. Almost no NLP task is truly standalone.
  • Most current systems for higher-level, aggregate NLP tasks employ a simple 1-best feed forward architecture: they greedily take the best output at each stage in the pipeline and pass it on to the next stage. This is the simplest architecture to build (particularly if reusing existing component systems), but errors are frequently made during this pipeline of annotations, and when a system is given incorrectly labeled input it is much harder for that system to do its task correctly. For example, when doing semantic role labeling, if no syntactic constituent of the parse actually corresponds to a given semantic role, then that semantic role will almost certainly be misidentified. It is therefore disappointing, but not surprising, that F-measures on SRL drop more than 10% when switching from gold parses to automatic parses (for instance, from 91.2 to 80.0 for the joint model of Toutanova (2005)).
  • A common improvement on this architecture is to pass k-best lists between processing stages, for example (Sutton and McCallum, 2005; Wellner et al., 2004). Passing on a k-best list gives useful improvements (e.g., in Koomen et al. (2005)), but efficiently enumerating k-best lists often requires very substantial cognitive and engineering effort, e.g., in (Huang and Chiang, 2005; Toutanova et al., 2005).

3.3 k-Best Lists

  • At first glance, k-best lists may seem like they should outperform sampling, because in effect they are the k best samples. However, there are several important reasons why one might prefer sampling. One reason is that the k best paths through a word lattice, or the k best derivations in parse forest do not necessarily correspond to the k best sentences or parse trees. In fact, there are no known sub-exponential algorithms for the best outputs in these models, when there are multiple ways to derive the same output.3 This is not just a theoretical concern – the Stanford parser uses such a grammar, and we found that when generating a 50-best derivation list that on average these derivations corresponded to about half as many unique parse trees. Our approach circumvents this issue entirely, because the samples are generated from the actual output distribution.


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 AuthorvolumeDate ValuetitletypejournaltitleUrldoinoteyear
2006 SolvingTheProblemOfCascadingErrorsJenny Rose Finkel
Christopher D. Manning
Andrew Y. Ng
Solving the Problem of Cascading Errors: Approximate Bayesian Inference for Linguistic Annotation Pipelineshttp://www.stanford.edu/~jrfinkel/papers/pipeline.pdf