2015 ReconstructingTextualDocumentsf

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We analyze the problem of reconstructing documents when we only have access to the n-grams (for n fixed) and their counts from the original documents. Formally, we are interested in recovering the longest contiguous substrings of whose presence in the original documents we are certain. We map this problem on a de Bruijn graph, where the n-grams form the edges and where every Eulerian cycles gives a plausible reconstruction. We define two rules that reduce this graph, preserving all possible reconstructions while at the same time increasing the [[label length}length]] of the edge labels. From a theoretical perspective we prove that the iterative application of these rules gives an irreducible graph equivalent to the original one. We then apply this on the data from the Gutenberg project to measure the number and size of the obtained longest substrings. Moreoever, we analyze how the n-gram corpus could be noised to prevent reconstruction, showing empirically that removing low frequent n-grams has little impact. Instead, we propose another method consisting in adding strategically fictitious n-grams and show that a noised corpus like that is much harder to reconstruct while increasing only little the perplexity of a language model obtained through it.



 AuthorvolumeDate ValuetitletypejournaltitleUrldoinoteyear
2015 ReconstructingTextualDocumentsfMatthias Gallé
Matías Tealdi
Reconstructing Textual Documents from N-grams10.1145/2783258.27833612015