Adaptive Graph Convolution Network (AGCN)

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An Adaptive Graph Convolution Network (AGCN) is a Spectral Graph Convolutional Network that learns residual graph Laplacian.




2018 AdaptiveGraphConvolutionalNeura Fig2.png
Figure 2: Convolution kernel comparison. Red point: centre of kernel. Orange points: coverage of kernel. (1) 3 × 3 kernel of classical CNN on 2-D grid; (2) graphconv/neural fingerprint, strictly localized kernel; (3) GCN, K-localized kernel merely on the shared graph; (4) AGCN, K-localized kernel on adaptive graph (individual graph + learned residual graph). Edges from learned residual graph Laplacian are dash lines. Color of edge indicates the weights in spectral kernels. Levels of value as color bar.