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An ASReml is a data analysis software package for fitting of linear mixed models using residual maximum likelihood.



mixed model]]s using restricted maximum likelihood, a technique commonly used in plant and animal breeding and quantitative genetics as well as other fields. It is notable for its ability to fit very large and complex data sets efficiently, due to its use of the average information algorithm and sparse matrix methods.

It was originally developed by Arthur Gilmour.

 ASREML can be used in Windows, Linux, and as an add-on to S-PLUS and R.

  • (ASReml Homepage, 2016) ⇒
    • ASReml is a very powerful statistical software developed by Arthur Gilmour from New South Wales Agriculture, with support from an international team of leading statisticians. It is specifically designed for fitting mixed models for large datasets, with unmatched model flexibility and high speed. It is far faster than SAS, S-Plus and similar software. I have a few reasons why I think that ASReml is the best software for genetic evaluation.

      ASReml’s manual is the source of all knowledge, with over 200 pages. That is a bit of an overstatement, but it is certainly exhaustive and sometimes daunting. One of the problems when you start using ASReml is how do I start? How do I setup my models the way I used to in SAS / Genstat / DFREML / etc? I have trees, no animals, what do I do? I have spent a long time learning how to fit models with the software, and I have I decided to make some of the information available in this site, in case it can be of some use for you.


  • (Arthur Gilmour et al., 2009) & rArr; Gilmour, A. R., Gogel, B. J., Cullis, B. R., Thompson, R., & Butler, D. (2009). ASReml user guide release 3.0. VSN International Ltd, Hemel Hempstead, UK.
    • ASReml is a statistical package that fits linear mixed models using Residual Maximum Likelihood (REML). It has been under development since 1993 and is a joint venture between the Biometrics Program of NSW Agriculture and the Biomathematics Unit previously the Statistics Department of Rothamsted Experiment Station. This guide relates to the August 2002 version of ASReml.

      Linear mixed effects models provide a rich and flexible tool for the analysis of many data sets commonly arising in the agricultural, biological, medical and environmental sciences. Typical applications include the analysis of (un)balanced longitudinal data, repeated measures analysis, the analysis of (un)balanced designed experiments, the analysis of multi-environment trials, the analysis of both univariate and multivariate animal breeding and genetics data and the analysis of regular or irregular spatial data.

      One of the strengths of ASReml is the wide range of possible variance models for the random effects in the linear mixed model. There is a potential cost for this wide choice. Users should be aware of the dangers of either overfitting or attempting to fit inappropriate variance models to small or highly unbalanced data sets (...)----