Annotated Bibliography

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See: Bibliography, Annotation Note, Semantic Annotation Task.



    • An annotated bibliography is a bibliography that gives a summary of the research that has been done. It is still an alphabetical list of research sources. In addition to bibliographic data, an annotated bibliography provides a brief summary or annotation. The annotation usually contains a brief summary of content and a short analysis or evaluation. Depending on your assignment you may be asked to reflect, summarise, critique, evaluate or analyse the source. The purpose of annotations is to provide the reader with a summary and an evaluation of the source. In order to write a successful annotation, each summary must be concise. An annotation should display the source's central idea(s) and give the reader a general idea of what the source is about. An annotation should include the complete bibliographic information for the source. It should also include some or all of the following:
      • An explanation about the authority and/or qualifications of the author.
      • Scope or main purpose of the work.
      • Any detectable bias.
      • Intended audience and level of reading
      • A summary comment