Bilingual Lexicon Extraction

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A Bilingual Lexicon Extraction is an extraction task of a bilingual lexicon.



  • (Wikipedia, 2017) ⇒ Retrieved:2017-5-21.
    • With the increasing amount of bilinguals worldwide, psycholinguists began to look at how two languages are represented in our brain. The mental lexicon is one of the places that researchers focused on to see how that is different between bilingual and monolingual.

      Research during past decades shows bilingual brains have special cortex connections. [1] If that represents a different structure of the brain for bilinguals is still under study. There are also some debates over the basic mode of the lexical represent of bilingual.

  1. Kim, K. S., & Relkin, N. R. (1997). “Distinct cortical areas associated with native and second languages". Nature, 388(6638), 171.