Causative Sentence

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An Causative Sentence is a Linguistic Sentence that (has a Causer?)


  • ?
    • Our next operation is what's known as the causative. The causative adds an argument to the argument chain: a causer. To indicate that the verb has undergone a causative operation, the verb is suffixed with -le. This is what the operation looks like:
      • Ordinary Sentence: Ka mama eine i nawa, "The woman hugged a fish."
      • Causative Sentence: Ka mamale hopoko i mama (i nawa), "The man caused a woman to hug a fish."
    • The result of the operation is a transitive verb (the largest verb in Kamakawi), which means that the argument beyond the agent (the one being caused to perform the action) is optional. It is still introduced by the preposition i.