Easy-to-Conceptualize, Easy-to-Demo, Long-Gestation Disruptive Software Technology

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An Easy-to-Conceptualize, Easy-to-Demo, Long-Gestation Disruptive Software Technology is an Easy-to-Conceptualize, Easy-to-Demo, Long-Gestation Disruptive Software Technology.



  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqVLjtvWgq8&t=153s
    • QUOTE: "... It's not just going to involve a single agent. Instead, there will be many agents. Perhaps they'll be organized into societies or civilizations of digital entities. I find this extremely inspiring to ponder – it's quite mind-boggling.

      However, I also want to temper the excitement a bit. There's a broad range of problems that, although easy to conceptualize and build demos for, are incredibly challenging to turn into actual products. Many things fall into this category. Take self-driving technology, for example. The concept of self-driving is simple to grasp, and it's relatively straightforward to create a demo of a car driving around the block. But turning it into a reliable and marketable product can take a decade.

      The same can be said for virtual reality. We can easily imagine it and create demos, but bringing it to market as a fully realized product takes a considerable amount of time.

      I believe that agents are similar in this regard. They are easy to imagine and generate enthusiasm for, and building demos is feasible. However, if you're committed to making this work, be prepared to invest a decade into its development. ..."