Ricardo Baeza-Yates
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Ricardo Baeza-Yates is a person,
- Personal Homepage: http://users.dcc.uchile.cl/~rbaeza/
- Professional Homepage: http://labs.yahoo.com/author/rby/
- DBLP Author Page: http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/pers/hd/b/Baeza=Yates:Ricardo_A=.html
- Wikipedia Person Page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ricardo_Baeza-Yates
- Google Scholar Author Page: http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=v9xULZwAAAAJ
- (Baeza-Yates & Tiberi, 2007) ⇒ Ricardo Baeza-Yates, and Alessandro Tiberi. (2007). “Extracting Semantic Relations from Query Logs.” In: Proceedings of the 13th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining. ISBN:978-1-59593-609-7 doi:10.1145/1281192.1281204
- (Navarro et al., 2001) ⇒ Gonzalo Navarro, Ricardo Baeza-Yates, E. Sutinen, and J. Tarhio. (2001). “Indexing Methods for Approximate String Matching.” In: IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin, 24(4).
- (Chávez et al., 2001) ⇒ Edgar Chávez, Gonzalo Navarro, Ricardo Baeza-Yates, and José Luis Marroquín. (2001). “Searching in Metric Spaces.” In: ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 33(3). doi:10.1145/502807.502808
- (Baeza-Yates & Ribeiro-Neto 1999) ⇒ Ricardo Baeza-Yates, and Berthier Ribeiro-Neto. (1999). “Modern Information Retrieval." Addison-Wesley. ISBN:020139829X.
- (Frakes & Baeza-Yates, 1991) ⇒ William B. Frakes, and Ricardo Baeza-Yates, editors. (1992). “Information Retrieval: Data Structures and Algorithms.” Prentice-Hall. ISBN:0134638379
- (Baeza-Yates & Gonnet, 1992) ⇒ Ricardo Baeza-Yates, and Gaston H. Gonnet. (1992). “A new approach to text searching." Communications of the ACM, 35(10).